My folder system
- @action - Actions by me not covered by other folders below.
- @auto - Automatic notifications (MySpace, eBay, bank, Amazon, airlines, etc.)
- @read-review - Long emails, links, etc.
- @reply - Simply need to be reply to.
- @research - Require research before further action can be decided.
- @tickle - 43 folders, checked daily, with a 'check here next' email that I move from
folder to folder to tell when I checked last.
- @waiting-for - Items waiting for info/action from others
- hold - No action needed yet, not waiting for others, not yet filed. Likely to need it
in the next few days.
- lists - Mailing lists
- projects - Significant projects currently being worked.
- reference - Most non-actionable emails to keep go here. Multiple subfolders.
- unknown - I have filters set up so that emails from addresses not in my address books go here.